Breaking Down Walls

Every day we are surrounded by people who dare to live their lives creatively. I am blessed to know sculptors, painters, poets, actors, illustrators, and out-of-the-box thinkers who inspire me every day. Above all, I think a healthy mindset is perhaps more important than the physical tools we use to create.

When I talk to creatives, I often find certain commonalities. I've found that a lot of creatives put up walls keeping them from pushing to their full potential. Boundaries like fear of failure and feeling like your work won't measure up or make a difference. What if we could take these thoughts a transform them into opportunities for growth? Despite being so connected all of the time, I feel like it is difficult to talk about what holds us back.

I want to start a conversation. I started this project to create a space to share our experiences and advice so we can work together to break down our walls.


Part 1: Futile vs. Fruitful

In this segment, we discuss changing the mindset from one of futility to fruitfulness. I started this project to create a space for creatives to share experiences and advice so we can work together to break down walls.

The project has changed forms many times due to Covid-19 restrictions. I am incredibly thankful Neke and Maria were so flexible and able to participate in these socially distanced interviews.

Fruitful 1st Draft-01.jpg

Mural Timelapses

Below you will find two videos showing the painting process of each mural.


Cyber Security Campaign


Greenwood District